Thursday, September 23, 2010


Second Place
Stars of the Valley Quilt Show, April 2010
My planned 1 month hiatus has turned into 5 months, and while my life hasn't become more simplified, it is getting back on an even keel. My plan to return to the workforce full time for a few weeks stretched to 2 months. I enjoyed my return to the principalship, but have decided that those days are behind me for a reason. There's too much else to do! I'm now contenting myself with working as a college supervisor in addition to my volunteer work and quilting. So I'm hopeful that I can resume posting on THE FOOD OF LOVE, though on a more infrequent basis.

Be on the lookout for some new twists on old favorites, all with an eye toward making healthful eating more pleasurable. Remember my mantra:  Eat what you love and love what you eat.



  1. Arlene - I was just thinking of you this week and was going to look for your email address so that I could say a quick hello! YOU WERE MISSED!! Glad to hear that all is well and I'm excited to see what you cook up :)

    Glad to see you'll be back!!

  2. Hey girl.... welcome back.


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